Huihui Huang

Incoming CS PhD student at Singapore Management University


Hi, I am Huihui Huang (黄慧惠), a senior undergraduate majoring in Computer Science at Southern University of Science and Technology. I am also a member of ARiSE lab, supervised by Prof. Yuqun Zhang.

I was fortunate to participate in a research internship at National University of Singapore in the fall of 2023, serving as a member of the PLSE lab and focusing on Programming Languages, under the supervision of Prof. Umang Mathur.

In Fall 2024, I will begin my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Singapore Management University, and I am excited to work with Prof. David Lo!

Research Interests:
  • AI for SE, Security
  • Software Composition Analysis
  • Binary Similarity Detection
  • Concurrent C2Rust


Jan 19, 2024 Began my industrial internship at Lalamove as a Big Data Engineer base in Shenzhen.
Oct 10, 2023 Our paper BinaryAI: Binary Software Composition Analysis via Intelligent Binary Source Code Matching is accepted by ICSE 2024!
Aug 06, 2023 Arrived at NUS. Beginning my research internship here!

Selected Publications

  1. ICSE’24
    BinaryAI: Binary Software Composition Analysis via Intelligent Binary Source Code Matching
    Ling Jiang , Junwen An , Huihui Huang , and 4 more authors
    In The 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE’24) , Apr 2024